Walking in Faith and Freedom with Frances Vela
Frances Vela : Christian Wife, Mother and entrepreneur on a mission to encourage you in your journey of faith and wholeness in Christ.
Walking in Faith and Freedom with Frances Vela
A Call to Faithfulness
Frances Vela
Episode 22
Have you been asking God what He may want you to do in this season and felt like He hasn't answered?
Could it be that He already told you, you just didn't really like the answer?
In this episode, we look at how God has called us to fufill the assignment that is in front of us.. to be faithful to what he has given us now. So that, He may prepare us for our next season.
Spoiler Alert: It is not all about us...but God is so good that there is a blessing in our obedience anyway.
If today’s episode has encouraged you, I’d love to hear about it! Connect with me through my website at www.Francesllv.com